
Modern religious films have often catered to a safe mainstream audience, leaving behind many who want to see stories that reflect the messiness and struggles of their real lives.

We believe that real art and cinema has an obligation to enter the intimate spaces of broken human relationships where God most wants to reveal his love. This is why we're not focusing on a moralizing religious message but will instead seek to portray authentic, flawed characters and narratives that embrace brokenness instead of running from it. 

The Beatitudes reveal 8 truths to help us navigate the messiness of life, with charity and hope. Jesus taught in parables to make the truths of God’s love accessible and as filmmakers we desire that these short films reveal the same truths to a new audience, both secular and religious. Our desire is for this anthology series to challenge our audience into reexamining the ways in which it thinks about suffering, happiness, art, and the meaning of life.